Thursday, April 3, 2008

Eva Longoria Is Obsessed With "Working on her Butt".

The star of Desperate Housewives Eva Longia revealed it sticks to a special operation to maintain his regime expert derriere.

Eva Longia said: "I like doing squats in the gym. When I do strengthens my buttocks and I fill my jeans better.

"I am constantly on my buttocks because, as you know, gravity."

The 33-year-old actress - star basketball who married last July, Tony Parker - fears it will become increasingly difficult to keep the buttocks on the plate after she had children.

Eva Longia said: "I am nervous about what will happen there when I have children. I am full of fear. I do not want anything happening in the butt. "

Eva has often expressed his desire to start a family.

Longoria said: "I always liked the idea of having many children. If I am almost every baby, I feel like, "Aaaaahhhh, babies!"

"I was quite ambitious when I moved to Hollywood, and I succeeded. But now that I found new goals - I want to work, I want to be a great wife and I want to have children."

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